Saturday, April 11, 2009

All the Spidermen are Going Home

It seems we all live alone or togeather in little bubbles. I hear people who talk about coffee and all its various incantations, surtainly not my bubble. I love just plain old dark roast strong coffee and am not in the special coffee bubble. I over heard a conversation about the best places to panhandle amongst a group of six people or sign reads, "Need Gas"...doesn't matter if you have a car or not...not my bubble either, but for the people in that bubble this conversation was completely normal. Here in Olympia, WA (The Olympian...local'll find the best and the worst here) there is a strong green movement. Now one day a week looking out my window come at least 2 dozen bike riders (the kind with pedals) is around fourthirty or five o'clock in the afternoon. Mostly men and all dressed in what looks like spandex from head to toe and reallly colorful...I imagine them to maybe state workers...just looks so
strange to someone who in not in that in tights...on bikes...all the spidermen going home. Another note of interest...I enjoy it anyway...don't always understand it all but artkrush is back...a bi-monthly newsletter that brings art from an international viewpoint to your desktop...have fun,